Friday, April 17, 2015

The cave drawings and beautiful art of history

This is said to be cave drawings found! History in the making isn’t it lovely! As you can see in this drawing it looks like humans and mermaid’s were once at peace but I believe what changed this is food sources got low, the humans got hungry and everyone knows what hunger can do to you right? I know I do, Well I believe the humans starting hunting the mermaids as a food source, and out of fear the mermaids hid down to the depths of the ocean to save their kind and keep safe. Your thinking well danger is down in the depths too right? Of course but mermaids have a connection with most animals down there they communicate with what’s called ” The Bloop” interesting! Sharks are for sure a danger correct but what if this communication skill they have keep them from going neck to neck with a shark? If the mermaids can talk to each other than other under water life can understand too wouldn’t you think? So in this theory whales, seals, and other marine life can communicate with mermaids. Tell me your opinion on this. I will be posting more evidence soon. 

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