Many of years now I have searched and watched videos gathering what I believe is the existence of mermaids as do others. Mermaid the body found for example this was a big hit with evidence, pictures, videos, the bloop and witnesses. As we all know the boy who found the mermaid on the beach lost his footage due to the Government which should tell you right there they are hiding something. The video was edited by Government then given back to the boy and sent on the internet, Also had the real footage that he saved on a hard drive an got to keep hidden an soon after his phone was taken he put this video on a website so that everyone could witness the wonderful species we thought didn't exist, but not even a few days later the Government found the website and blocked it. " The domain name has been seized by DOJ- Homeland Security Investigations, pursuant to a seize warrant issued by United States District Court under the authority of 18 U.S.C 286, 287, 371. " Stamped an signed by the Government something big is going on. A man from the Military hid his identity and told everyone what's really going on and what the Government's doing and doesn't want us to know, A sonar was put in the water not to long ago, This was the first time it has been tested it is used to stop all communication between animals under water these sound waves can travel for hundreds of miles under water. This sonar killed 235 marine life or caused injury as to whales, dolphins, and other marine life, When these marine animals washed up on land they brought a live mermaid with them, Scientist sealed off the beach and took that mermaid for testing and who knows what else, it was kept in a small tank and did not last long. The scientist then were soon cut out of this an the Govenment fully took over all the evidence was then taken from the scientist the bloop recording the mermaids way of communicating, bones, paper work, stats and readings of under water. I believe that is why mermaids have gone into hiding in the first place, and to support this cave drawings were found from long ago, Mermaids and people use to live in peace, got along but once food resources got low people began to turn on the mermaids throwing man-made spears and scaring them off deep into the depths of the ocean. They have also gotten very smart over these passing years and that is why they can and have hid so well from people, made their home down below we cant even reach that far. Now to describe what these magnificent creatures look like and where sightings have occured. The first sighting and capture was in 1842 by P.T. Barum he kept it in a tank because the pictures are so old you cant define the color well but the shape is pretty much there, Gills, bald body no hair what so ever to help swim faster, webbed fingers and the long fish tail. He kept this mermaid in a museum to show all of the world but soon enough in the 1860's it was destroyed in a fire along with the museum. I dug pretty far to get all this information to share with you all. More post to come soon follow me and like my page!
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