Saturday, April 18, 2015

Its all about Mermaids!!

Hello my fellow mermaid lovers! Today is a great day for more evidence right?! I think so, I'm sure everyone has tried to bring up the webpage which was suppose to be a website with actual footage of a mermaid washed up on the beach and the best part it was still alive well the government found this website and shut it downs so now all you get is ERROR!
I was very disappointed the website wasn't up longer but shouldn't that tell you something? The government is for sure hiding the existence of mermaids why else would this website be brought down so quickly? I also found out the first mermaid sighting was in the 13th century and has increased in sightings since then, Maybe they don't feel threatened any more? Israel has had the most sightings and I think a trip there for a week is needed for not only research but also to capture a picture of one myself, As you know the mermaids are nothing like the little mermaid they have no hair, webbed hands, what looks like a fin in the middle of their head, and definitely cant turn into a human!
This is what's said to be a skeleton found if you look closely you see the human like features the arms, ribs, and the skull has a little bit of resemblance now as for the fins below that's completely different I think this is wonderful it blows my mind the stuff that's found each day especially in the ocean since the world is 75% water what cant be out there? The mermaids have been very smart all this time and even now, Don't you wonder where they are hiding what their home must look like and if they have been hiding in some under ware cave system found that's the perfect home and protection definitely a smart place to take cover. Any who, mermaids are out there all the evidence is right in front of your face and more evidence is to come I'm very excited to be sharing all the joyful news to you all and have plenty more evidence to cover follow me, like my page, and comment for any questions!!

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