Friday, April 17, 2015

Fishing under water by rigs? Mermaids are smart huh!

I'm sure everyone has heard of the under water camera by a rig pretty far into the water, Caught a fish being hunted. It looks like a spear was thrown thru this fish then another fish (mermaid) swims by and takes it! Wow amazing I believe this is great evidence. Mermaids have brain smarts like humans we are very much alike in many ways so why wouldn't this be true? We learned to hunt so why couldn't they? We do what we can to survive well so are they I have a very open mind and I truly believe this is real evidence. I think the mermaids are getting a little closer to the surface maybe out of curiosity the world has changed so much and with this curiosity we have all gathered new evidence of mermaids and even got to them in person. I'm thrilled with all this new evidence I got together and I am happy to share it all like my page and share with others new post are coming soon!!  

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